Old police cells at SeaCity

Filming Locations

Filming at our venues

SeaCity Museum, as well as our venues Tudor House & Gardens and Southampton City Art Gallery, can provide the perfect backdrop for filming. We aim to be a film-friendly environment; whether it is for press or commercial purposes we try to accommodate all reasonable filming requests.

Generally fees will apply and these are assessed on a case by case basis. If you are interested in filming at SeaCity Museum please email the team at museums.hire@southampton.gov.uk. We ask your request is sent well in advance of the start of shooting.

All film crews will be required to have public liability insurance when filming on site.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements

Filming in Southampton

Southampton City Council is keen to encourage film and television companies to film in the city and will provide help and assistance where possible.

Some Southampton locations that you are interested in using may belong to the council, be part of the highway or privately owned. The council’s Event Management Team can advise on possible suitable locations, liaise with other Council departments on your behalf and pass on contacts of some private locations to assist in the smooth organisation of your shoot.

Find out more information https://visitsouthampton.co.uk/about-us/filming-in-southampton