Our dedicated community of volunteers at SeaCity Museum help us make our visitor’s experience memorable. From object handling to special events, volunteers help to ensure the continued success of our museum and enhance visitor experience. We welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds having one thing in common – a love of history!
So, if you want to share your knowledge of Southampton, learn something new, enrich your CV, develop your skills, and meet like-minded people; why not volunteer at Southampton’s oldest museum?
We recruit volunteers aged 18 and over on an ad hoc basis. Please click here to download our contact form. Once completed, please send it to our Volunteer Coordinator to artsandheritage.volunteers@southampton.gov.uk. We will contact you directly to let you know when the next round of recruitment will take place and to invite you to come and see us here at the museum.
If you have any questions about volunteering at all, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!